The challenge of deployment and the investment climate turning sour?
As enthusiasm for FTTH comes to the UK, we're seeing what may be a challenging problem for the industry.
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2 NBN's, 3 national electricity utilities, #5 service provider in World
For a small team we seem to have amazing experience having worked on 2 NBN's, 3 national electricity utilities, #5 service provider in World (co-founders), #1 open access operator in Sweden (co-founders), leading open access, comms operator in World (co-founders), FTTH operator in Africa (founders), first incumbent to do a complete copper to fibre migration and offer gigabit to all
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Passive and Active Sharing report for the FTTH Council MENA
We recently published our report on passive and active sharing approaches for the FTTH Council MENA.
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Switchover to fibre networks in the EU could take 92 years
It may seem obvious now about the need to invest in fibre but we're including this article written by Stefan Stanislawski as it shows how he predicted some of the key financial mechanisms that would now be in use.